Saturday, June 8, 2013

Am I crazy?

So yesterday I got the opportunity to be a lunch lady and my siblings elementary school. For one of my summer classes I was suppose to help in a classroom, but I guess the school didn't really understand and decided to stick me there. Some of the lunch ladies were scary, but a couple were in my ward and were really nice to me. (and then there were others who were just nice in general) They acted as if we were a problem instead of a helping hand, but when the time came to actually serve the food to the kids I was pretty nervous. Why? I don't know that just how I am. The kids were SO cute! I couldn't help but remembering all my elementary days and after I finished passing out to all the hungry children I wondered if I wanted to be a lunch lady. That is until some lady got mad at me for putting my apron in the wrong place.
Ya see, I was really tender hearted as a child, and got offended very easily. Now, I sometimes slip back into that stage when adults tell me I did wrong, and I guess just taking a trip down memory lane didn't help so I almost cried when the lady told me to put my apron on the washer.
So, I can't decied, should I be a lunch lady when I grow up? ;)

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